Feeling Too Small for Your Own Good?

Our Mission

To produce the Golden Lead - leasing the Amot Givatayim building in its entirety to a single corporate renter.

The Background

Amot, the leading yielding real estate company in Israel, purchased the Pelephone building on Derech Hashalom in the city of Givatayim. Amot renovated the building and turned it into one of the most advanced office buildings in Israel with the inclusion of luxurious facilities which included: a private conference hall, a fully equipped gym, a spacious dining complex and more. Now, all Amot needed was to rent out the entire building, long-term, to a single strategic tenant. Enter Hauser.

Our Strategy

We focused on a target audience consisting of decision-makers from large high-tech companies. We addressed our audience with a message that touched upon their pain points (i.e., crowded office space, success equals bigger and more advanced offices) and presented Amot as the solution to their problems (spacious and advanced).

The Creative

We combined an honest and straightforward statement with high-tech jargon. A compelling slogan was chosen to lead the campaign: “Feeling Too Small for Your Own Good? #Expand.”. For the design language, we used pop-art style saturated colours and sharp lines, breaking away from the conservative style so often used in the mainstream real estate world. The combination of powerful and eye-catching extraordinary design and an outspoken message created a campaign that could not be ignored.


The campaign included billboards in strategic locations such as main transportation routes where decision-makers could be found, targeted ads on LinkedIn, and various content marketing activities across PR and digital channels.

The Results

2,348,850 impressions - 174% above our target

17,387 entries into our various digital assets - 105% above our target

20 relevant leads – 5 leads above our target

And of course:
one multi-million-dollar deal with Amot leasing the building in its entirety to a single company!