Our Process

The clearest path to drive your desired outcomes.

Gearing Up For Success

From research to results, our proven 5-step process sets out on a journey where we’ll define your audience, strategize your goals and refine your messaging - always keeping our finger on the pulse when managing your brand’s presence and activity across various media platforms. Simply put, with Hauser, nothing is left to chance.

Research and Strategy

We believe that a winning strategy always wins the game. We’ll research your product or service, identify its unique strengths and weaknesses and precisely define your target audience so we can create tailor-made solutions that deliver compelling impact with maximum ROI.

Media Planning

Leading campaigns begin with an accurate media plan. From websites to social media, whether paid or unpaid media, we’ll target your audience with the right message, at the right time, on the right channel in order to create the ultimate marketing funnel that achieves maximum Result.


Our creative teams are known for their sharp minds and exceptional talents. Whether print, digital, animation or video, we’ll deliver a variety of outstanding/exceptional creative concepts in alignment with your chosen strategy and target audience to ensure your brand’s core values shine through the entire communication mix.


From concept to reality, our world-class production department will bring our joint creative vision to life. Our production team leverages the most advanced software and technologies to create stimulating visual designs and content that not only inspires, informs and captivates, but will ultimately take your business/branding /positioning to the next level.

Campaign Management

Time for liftoff! We’ll launch your campaign in accordance with the media plan. Track, monitor and analyze its performance based on ROI and other engagement metrics. Then, we’ll continually adjust and optimize to deliver the best possible results across the customer journey. And just in case you were wondering- yes, you’ll always be kept in the loop!

Ready to take your business to the next level?

We look forward to working with you!

Let’s Talk