Easy Shipping For Ecommerce Shops

Our Mission

Launching a new shipping platform for global eCommerce.

The Background

Ship.co.il, the Israeli branch of UPS, just launched Easyship, a new and innovative online shipping platform. The service offers a simple and convenient shipping method that allows packages to be sent by courier to approx. 400 pick-up locations throughout Israel, UPS branches or to the recipient’s doorstep.

Our Strategy

The campaign focused on three parallel yet intertwining channels:

  1. Mass exposure:
    We focused on a target audience that included online and brick and mortar store owners who took orders online and were in need of a delivery service
  2. Targeted exposure:
    We opened a new marketing channel on LinkedIn and sent precisely targeted in-mail messages to business owners who ship within the country and also to other data-based Lookalike audiences.
  3. Demand:
    Google Search Ads based on targeted keywords, including competitor names and keywords.

Our Creative Solution

We launched a widespread testimonial campaign featuring a wide variety of business owners who endorsed the new service and expressed how their shipping has now become the simplest and fastest part of their sales pipeline.

Two main channels:

  1. Social media advertising targeting online store owners.
  2. Demand - performance campaign focused on the Google Search Network, emphasizing competitor key phrases.

First-Quarter Results

134% above our Impression goal

120% above our Unique Reach goal

18% increase in the number of monthly orders

20% increase in website revenue